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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev PhD in Business & Management
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

PhD in Business & Management

4 up to 5 Years


Full time

Request application deadline

Oct 2024

ILS 17,329 / per year *


* varies according to CPI index


In the sixth decade of its existence, Israel has positioned itself as a highly developed industrial country and a world leader in advanced technology and high-tech innovations. Clearly, Israel must train its new generation of qualified managers - managers who will be able to maintain and further develop the country's scientific and technological advantages by introducing highly sophisticated management strategies that will fully exploit its potential.

The growing demand for well-trained, competent, and creative managers prompted Ben-Gurion University to establish The Faculty of Management. Comprising five departments, The Faculty attracts large numbers of highly qualified applicants. Student selection is competitive, with only a small percentage of candidates being accepted each year.


Scholarships and Funding


Program Tuition Fee

About the School
