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Centre for Advanced Pedagogical and Educational Studies of San Luis Potosí (Centro de Altos Estudios Pedagógicos  y Educativos de San Luis Potosí) PHD IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES
Centre for Advanced Pedagogical and Educational Studies of San Luis Potosí (Centro de Altos Estudios Pedagógicos y Educativos de San Luis Potosí)


San Luis Potosi, Mexico

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Jul 2024

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The doctorate has a duration of six semesters, within which the regular academic activities are located, consisting on the one hand, in attendance and participation in seminars and workshops one day of the week, with parallel work independently during the rest of the year. week, aimed at ensuring that the student acquires both a solid training in the general knowledge of the discipline and in the specific knowledge of his field of interest and on the other, the realization of a research project that culminates in the degree thesis. The study plan is structured around three training axes:

a) Theoretical

b) Methodological for Research

c) Complementary activities.

It also includes four fields of knowledge granted by the referents to conform both the general and the specific contents:

I. Teaching

II. Management and Educational Policies

III. Education and Cultural Diversity

IV. Pedagogical Knowledge.

The curricular development presents levels of sequential and increasing complexity that allow facilitating the understanding of the phenomena and their necessary theoretical-practical articulation of the educational process, framed in a conception of Curricular Flexibility.

It seeks to prepare and induce applicants to the problematization of the current state of education in Mexico, to propose as an object of study one of the problems chosen in a preliminary research project, carried out in a coherent and clear manner, with the pertinent drafting elements. All the skills, tools, and competencies acquired during the Propedeutic Module will be basic for the subsequent development of Seminars and Workshops of the Study Plan.

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