Ph.D. in Asian History and Culture
Prague, Czech Republic
4 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Mar 2025*
Oct 2025
CZK 25,000 / per year **
* Applications can only be submitted between December and March 31. The application must be submitted only electronically via the Charles University information system:
** The application fee is paid separately. The exact amount of the application fee for the current academic year can be found here:
We are delighted with your interest in studying at the Faculty of Arts.
On this page, you will find all the available information about the study programme.
If you are really interested in studying, please read the information below before sending us a question. Don't forget to click through all the headlines below as well. Here you will find not only detailed information on the admission requirements but also the curriculum and much more.
The language of instruction is English.
For all information about the study programme and admission procedure conditions see THIS PAGE.
Applications can only be submitted:
- between December 1 and March 31
- electronically using the form provided HERE
Description of the admission process:
- Contact a dissertation consultant (you can find a list of consultants according to your chosen study programme HERE) and send him/her your dissertation proposal for review.
- Submit your application for study via THE ONLINE FORM
- Applications can only be submitted from December 1 until March 31!
- In late April/early May, you will receive an Invitation to the entrance examination via the same system in which you applied.
- At a specified time in May, you will take an entrance exam. The entrance exam is oral and will be held remotely via video conference.
- The maximum number of points you can score on the exam is 60. If you have a total of 30 points or more, you have a chance to be admitted – but you need to be within the expected admission number for the programme.
- In May or July, the admission procedure is evaluated, and the information about its result is sent to all applicants.
- Candidates who are successful in the admission procedure are subject to NOSTRIFICATION. This means that they must provide evidence of their previous Master's degree according to the conditions listed HERE.
- Those who have properly documented their previous education and language skills may attend the enrolment in the study, which usualy takes place from August to September.
The course is structured into three areas: (A) Dissertation-related requirements; (B) Common coursework; (C) Research activities and teaching.
Individual study requirements are highlighted in bold. Unless stated otherwise, fulfilment of the requirements is attested by a course credit.
Requirements related to the monitoring of Dissertation progress
1) PhD Seminar (AXDADOS01–04, fifth and higher year students repeatedly enroll in AXDADOS04)
Attendance and active participation is obligatory during the whole PhD programme.
There are usually ten PhD Seminar meetings per year.
- Students are required to attend the PhD Seminar throughout their PhD programme.
- Students present the progress of their research and rehearse upcoming conference presentations.
- The PhD Seminar can also be used to:
o discuss drafts of publications to be presented as Research Activities
o share experience from research trips, conferences and other academic events
- Students on a research trip do not have to make up for lost attendance, but still need to make their presentation.
- Course credit is awarded for regular active participation, including student’s own presentation and critical engagement with others’ presentations.
- Timing: Students are automatically enrolled in the PhD Seminar every year.
2) Annotated Bibliography of the PhD Dissertation (AXDADIS02)
- Length of the Annotated Bibliography depends on the planned size and theoretical depth of the Dissertation; all substantial parts of the Dissertation must be reflected in the Annotated Bibliography.
- Annotated Bibliography is first presented and discussed in the PhD Seminar.
- Timing: Typically in the first year, with the permission of the Supervisor can be presented in the second year
3) Submission of Partially Elaborated PhD Dissertation Propositions (AXDADIS01)
- Length of the Dissertation Propositions depends on the planned size and theoretical depth of the Dissertation; all substantial parts of the Dissertation must be reflected in the Dissertation Propositions.
- Dissertation Propositions are first presented and discussed in the PhD Seminar.
- Timing: Typically in the second year, with the permission of the Supervisor can be presented in the third year
4) Chapter of PhD Dissertation (initially typically the theoretical and methodological introduction) (AXDADIS03)
- Submission of a completed chapter of PhD Dissertation of at least 20 pages to be discussed at the PhD Seminar
- Timing: second and each subsequent year (first time usually together with the Dissertation Propositions).
b. Common Coursework
Requirements mandatory for all students of all PhD programmes
5) Foreign language
- An examination in English (AXJAZ0001) is compulsory. Students whose MA course was English Philology in the brought sense (English Language and Literature etc.) (as listed on their MA Diploma) choose instead German (AXJAZ0005) or French (AXJAZ0002). If any combination of the two languages listed (i.e. English, German, and French) figures on the diploma, the student is exempt form this examination. This examination must be passed during the 1st - 3rd year of study
- Year 1 to Year 3 of study as agreed with the supervisor
6) Theoretical and Methodological Seminar I-II (examination) (AXDATMS02-03)
- The Seminar typically takes place 7 times per year.
- Students are required to enroll in the seminar for two years. They read and discuss important texts significant for methodological considerations, and analyze theoretical and methodological questions posed by their dissertation projects. Students also present the dissertations summaries submitted for their State Doctoral Examinations (SDZK) and discuss them from the perspective of methodology. Students are advised to enroll in a Methodological Seminar of a different PhD Programme for one of the two years upon recommendation from their Supervisors related to their Dissertation topics.
- Timing: First to third year.
7) Specialized Examination (AXDASPE…various codes for various topics)
Students choose an examination topic relevant to their Dissertation in agreement with their Supervisor.
- Takes the form of an oral examination or a written paper.
- Timing: first to third year.
8) Individual Study Requirements(AXDASPE... various codes according to the selected seminars)
- The Supervisor may prescribe one or two study requirements according to the student’s needs related to the dissertation
- The Supervisor may also set the Student up to three additional requirements relevant to the Dissertation topic:
o Oral examinations or written papers designed to expand Student’s knowledge of particular Dissertation-related areas.
o An examination in academic reading in a second foreign language, if necessary for the Dissertation topic.
- Timing: First to third year.
9) Academic Publication (AXDAOAK10)
- Students are required to publish at least one article in a peer-reviewed journal or one chapter in an edited monograph.
- No timing requirements.
10) Conference Presentation (AXDAOAK10
- - Students are required to present a paper at an international conference.
- - No timing requirements.
11) Academic Activities I-II (AXDAOAK11-12)
- Students choose at least one of the activities listed:
o academic book review
o submission of a grant application or participation on a running grant
o academic editorial work
o academic translation
o undergraduate or graduate teaching (one semester) in coordination with the Supervisor
- No timing requirements.
This is a minimum requirement. Additional academic activities are welcome, especially closely related to the Dissertation. Student list their activities in their annual self-assessment.
12) Study or Research Abroad (AXDAOAK13)
- Students are required to spend at least one month at an academic institution abroad during their PhD Course.
- There is no timing requirement, trips abroad are arranged whenever suitable funding opportunities arise. This requirement can be postponed until after the State Doctoral Examination (SDZK) and is only required by the time of the Dissertation Defence.
- In special circumstances (childcare duties etc.), an application can be made to the Dean to substitute a different academic activity with an international dimension for a stay abroad; these substitutes include presentations at international conferences, academic editorial work, academic translations, undergraduate or graduate teaching or academic publications.
13)final state Doctoral examination (ASDZK0001)
– Year 3 of study
– Completion of ALL study requirements from the Common CourseworkRequirements section of the plan is necessary before the application for the Final Examination.
14) Thesis defence (AX0007305)
- Completion of ALL study requirements prescribed in the Individual Study Plan is necessary before the application for the Defence.
Standard duration of study: 4 years.
The template of the ISP is created in the SIS by the Research Office (“Oddělení vědy”), which assigns automatically to every doctoral student all the requirements common to all students of the PhD programme as listed above, with their respective codes. Once this ISP framework is created, the Student in agreement with the Supervisor needs to specify in the SIS:
1. The Foreign Language, choosing from languages associated in the SIS with the respective study plan.
2. The Individual Study Requirements according to the above guidelines. Existing undergraduate or graduate courses can be chosen, or new courses can be created preliminarily by filling the “course description” (“popis předmětu”) section for the given requirement if no SIS entry exists yet; SIS entries for these courses will be created and paired with the Individual Study Requirements later.
3. Year of completion: for all requirements with a loose or unspecified timing of completion.
Failure to complete a requirement by the end of the chosen year will result in a negative assessment of the Student’s performance.
Scholarships and Funding
Full-time doctoral students will receive a scholarship, which is usually supplemented by other sources of income, e.g. awards for participation in grant projects or remuneration for teaching undergraduates.
For information on governmental scholarships, please visit the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( Further, you may consult the following website:
Other Ph.D. scholarships can be found at: and
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the doctoral program in Asian History and Culture are highly qualified specialists in the area of their specialization. Their excellent command of a selected Asian language enables them to work critically with primary sources, and they have a solid grounding in secondary literature and contemporary research. Their excellent level of erudition enables them to pursue careers in academia (universities, research centers, etc.); they can, moreover, seek employment in cultural institutions, diplomacy, mass media, specialized think-tanks, etc.