Francisco García Salinas Autonomous University of Zacatecas
Our University begins a stage in its institutional life; It does so in the face of the transformations that society demands of it, and in times of great social complexity.
Our University begins a stage in its institutional life; It does so in the face of the transformations that society demands of it, and in times of great social complexity.
Thus, with the creation of a new face, and in the search for pride in being a University, we find ourselves in the need to imagine, with intelligence, responsibility, and in a sensitive way, the changes and transformations that society requires of us.
That is why all university students must understand that we are facing an opportunity to think, reflect, and jointly build the destiny of our institution.
One must be aware that the UAZ, "House of Sciences, Techniques, and Arts in the State of Zacatecas", is complex. In the same way, we must understand our commitment to society and the development of our entity. We must be clear that, even with adversity, university students are the engine of change and transformation.
- Zacatecas
Jardín Juárez,147, 98000, Zacatecas