PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
Storrs, USA
4 Years
Full time
18 Dec 2024
Jan 2025
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The Ph.D. program is designed to prepare students for a career in research. As such, it requires considerable self-directed study and independent research. The Ph.D. program is individually tailored to each student, requiring close cooperation between the student and his or her research adviser. Students are expected to determine their area of research during the first year of study, identifying a faculty advisor who will agree to supervise the dissertation research. (The adviser may or may not be the acting advisor assigned to the student when initially admitted to the program.)
Scholarships and Funding
In order for an applicant to be considered for one of the following fellowships, the applicant must select that they wish to be considered in SLATE. Recipients of these fellowships will be the most academically promising members of the entering class of graduate students at the University of Connecticut. The criteria used to select recipients include the following:
- Evidence of scholarly or creative achievement highlighted by the department or program in their nomination and evidence that the department or program provides the environment necessary for success in the areas of interest highlighted by the applicant.
- Evidence of any prior scholarly or creative achievement by the nominee, e.g., publications, presentations, exhibits, performances.
- Evidence that the nominee has been successful at previous academic institutions, e.g., letters of recommendation.
- Quantitative evidence of academic accomplishment, e.g., undergraduate grade point average, GMAT (when available).
The Jorgensen Fellowship (JF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
In addition, to be eligible for either the fellowships below, applicants must demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education and/or a commitment to enhancing diversity in their field of study.
- The Harriott Fellowship (HF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
- The Crandall Fellowship (CF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to master’s programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for two years (MFA is for three years).
For HF and CF fellowships students must submit a diversity statement through the SLATE application system. Students can demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education through participation in organizations or activities that (a) directly relate to increasing access to higher education and retention in higher education of individuals, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs or (b) that help to ensure that individuals are welcomed and included in higher education environments regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs. Such organization and activities might include participation/affiliation with TRIO programs, cultural/affinity organizations/centers, volunteer experiences, and college or university committees focused on these goals. Students provide evidence of this commitment through research and educational experience reflected on their CV/resume (articles, presentations, internship, and research experience), in their personal statement, or in letters of recommendations.
Coursework and Plan of Study Submission
Coursework requirements for the Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering depend on whether the student has an existing M.S. degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science and Engineering.
Course requirements for students without an existing M.S. (in CS, CE, or CSE):
- At least 36 credits of graduate level courses, excluding dissertation research credits, with the following stipulations:
- At most 12 credits, in total, of CSE5097 (Seminar), CSE5099 (Ind. study), and CSE5600 (Design lab.);
- At most 3 credits of CSE5097 (Seminar);
- At least 18 credits of CSE graduate courses other than CSE5097 (Seminar), CSE5099 (Ind. study), and CSE5600 (Design lab.);
Satisfaction of the Ph.D. breadth requirements;
- At least 15 credits of GRAD6950 (dissertation research).
- Course requirements for students with an existing M.S. (in CS, CE, or CSE):
- At least 24 credits of graduate level courses, excluding dissertation research credits, with the following stipulations:
- At most 9 credits, in total, of CSE5097 (Seminar), CSE5099 (Ind. study), and CSE5600 (Design lab.);
- At most 3 credits of CSE5097 (Seminar);
- At least 12 credits of CSE graduate courses other than CSE5097 (Seminar), CSE5099 (Ind. study), and CSE5600 (Design lab.);
Satisfaction of the Ph.D. breadth requirements;
- At least 15 credits of GRAD6950 (Dissertation Research).
- The Ph.D. Breadth Requirement. The breadth requirement demands that Ph.D. students satisfy a collection of content areas. See the forms page for current details.
The English proficiency requirement (native English speakers exempt). The program requires evidence of English competency at CEFR level B2 or successful completion of a UCAELI Evening English Course (EEC). The requirement can be met in several ways:
- Native English speakers are exempt.
- Evidence of level B2 CEFR English competency (TOEFL Speaking score ≥ 23, IELTS speaking score ≥ 7.0, or official UCAELI assessment via interview) satisfies the requirement.
- Successful completion of a UCAELI EEC Course satisfies the requirement.
The plan of study. Ph.D. students must file an official plan of study form, signed by their adviser and committee. For further details, see the Ph.D. Program Description in the Graduate Catalog. The official plan of study form can be found with the other forms.
Ph.D. Publication Requirement
All CSE Ph.D. students are required to publish (or have accepted for publication), prior to their dissertation defense, a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed full conference or journal articles. Major advisers have the authority to establish a higher threshold of publications for his/her students.
Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal and Oral Presentation
A general area of research is usually selected during the first year of Ph.D. study and an agreement is obtained from a faculty member to serve as the major adviser. After selection of a research area has been approved, an initial investigation of the relevant literature in the area is undertaken to establish necessary background information and to define the exact problem to be studied. This initial investigation may also include a preliminary experiment to prove the feasibility of any experimental program that will be included in the research effort. The initial investigation of the relevant literature in the area will culminate in the preparation of a dissertation proposal. Submission of the proposal to the committee is followed by an oral presentation and exam. This oral presentation and examination serves two purposes: evaluation of the proposal and the general examination for the degree. As such the oral exam must be attended by (i.) all members of the student’s advisory committee, (ii.) at least five faculty in total, (iii.) and at least two area experts who are not on the committee (these may be CSE faculty). Acceptance of this proposal by the student’s advisory committee must be obtained before the student begins the proposed research effort. For further details, see the Ph.D. Program Description in the Graduate Catalog.
Ph.D. Dissertation and Oral Defense
The Ph.D. dissertation must make a significant contribution to the computer science discipline. Submission of the dissertation to the committee is followed by an oral defense.
English Language Requirements
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