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1 Environmental Biology program found


  • PhD
  • Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Biology
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    1 Environmental Biology program found

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    PhD Programs in Environmental Studies Environmental Sciences Environmental Biology

    PhD students drive the future of their fields by conducting thorough and original research over the course of three to six years. In most cases, students are required to defend their research before a panel of experts before having their degree conferred.

    What is a PhD in Environmental Biology? The field of environmental biology is multifaceted and can vary significantly between programs, though most offer students the choice of focusing on zoology, marine biology, plant biology, or ecology as a specialty. Research is usually conducted in the field rather than the laboratory, though many students may split their time between the two as they study the organisms within their research area and work to scientifically define the relationships between them. While many larger universities may offer students multiple tracks, smaller schools or departments often design their curriculum based on what’s local to the area, such as marine life or plant life.

    Researching environmental biology often instils students with the skills needed to conduct field research and biochemically analyze a wide variety of specimens. Taken alongside the superior organizational skills students tend to gain, these abilities can make students very attractive to future employers.

    Among other potential charges, students may need to pay additional laboratory and equipment fees associated with their PhD research. To find out if programs of interest include additional fees outside of tuition, contact prospective schools directly for more information.

    Environmental science professors, environmental biologists, conservation botanists, wildlife biologists, fishery biologists, and resource biologists are all common career titles held by those with a PhD in Environmental Biology. The range of employment options available to graduates largely depends on their specialties, with those who lean towards animal sciences often venturing into zoology-related positions, such as zoo keepers and livestock scientists, and those who trend towards marine or plant biology pursuing careers in the agricultural or aquatic industries instead.

    PhDs are seldom available fully online, although some programs may allow students to coordinate with their research supervisors online by pursuing a non-thesis track. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.